What is noveltea show?
About the Podcast
Novel Tea Show is a bi-weekly live chat where we discuss writing and publishing. We're spilling all the tea (which means truth!) about the ups and downs of writing books, and the ins and outs of the publishing industry.
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Who Are We?
Alexa is a traditionally published YA author with one book out (Brightly Burning out 2018 from HMH Teen) and one forthcoming (The Stars We Steal coming in 2020). It took her 4 years, 3 books, and 2 agents to land on bookshelves, and she loves sharing information on writing and publishing on her Authortube channel. She also runs a Kidlit author mentoring program called Author Mentor Match. Alexa is a shameless pantser, though some day, if Kat gets her way, she will learn to outline.
Kat has been writing since 2009 and making YouTube videos about writing and books since 2011. She never gets tired of talking about writing craft, and has a particular passion for story structure and outlining. In addition to her own channel Katytastic, she is also a part of Booksplosion, the longest running monthly book club on YouTube. Kat is currently revising her 7th completed novel and is documenting the entire process in a weekly writing vlog series.
Lainey is a graduate of the University of Iowa with a degree in English Literature. When not working in healthcare, you can find her sharing her love for writing and YA books on her YouTube channel, GingerReadsLainey, which has over 15,000 subscribers. Lainey is an AuthorMentorMatch Round 5 Mentee and is hard at work on revisions for a YA Fantasy novel.